Hailing a Flywheel Taxi?

Estimate your Taxi Fare

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in your city

What is Flywheel?

Learn how to use the Flywheel Taxi app

Flywheel Fare Calculator - Estimated Cost & Pricing

FlywheelFareFinder calculates the cost of your Flywheel(formerly Cabulous) ride. Enter your pickup and dropoff locations, and get the fare estimate for your Flywheel Taxi ride.

Learn about the various west coast cities where Flywheel operates and plan for future travel!

Flywheel fares from {{ origin_data.address }} to {{ destination_data.address }}

Trip is {{ trip.distance.value / 1609.34 | number : 1 }} mi, {{ trip.duration.value / 60 | number : 0 }} mins

{{ r.entity.display_name }}

{{ li.explanation }} {{ li.charge_text }}
Total {{ r.totalFareText() }}
This ride may be subject to the following flat rate:
: {{ fr.rate | currency:r.currency.symbol:2 }}
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What is Flywheel?

Flywheel, formerly Cabulous, is an on-demand car service that hails existing traditional taxi cabs through the Flywheel smartphone app for a $1 surcharge. Unlike other rideshare companies,such as Uber and Lyft, which hail a peer-driven car, the Flywheel app will hail a traditional licensed taxi. Their local partners (taxi companies) set the fares, so prices will vary depending on location. The Flywheel app allows you to pay directly through the app via credit card, so you never have to worry about carrying cash. Flywheel is currently only available in a few cities on the west coast.

What cities does Flywheel support?

  • Los Angeles
  • Portland
  • Sacramento
  • San Diego
  • The San Francisco Bay Area
  • Seattle

© Copyright 2016 Unleashed, LLC

FlywheelFareFinder™ is not affiliated with Flywheel®. If you have any questions, please contact us.